Rainbows remind me of a classic line from Rick Warren's
Purpose Driven Life, "It's not about you." I can't create a rainbow, nor can I determine when or where it will appear. All of that is strictly up to God. And for some reason, He's decided that rainbows are only momentary wonders ... seemingly random and fleeting in duration. They appear to have no rhyme nor reason, yet they are intentionally orchestrated for His good purposes. In a similar way, I am learning afresh that He is arranging my days, one at a time, according to His divine design. I may have some influence on how situations play out, but ultimately it is up to Him. And in His timeframe, grace and help are granted for each day ... no more and no less. I often find myself resisting God's distribution schedule, worrying and begging for provision reserved for His perfect timing. In
God Works the Night Shift, author Ron Mehl wisely observes,"Why do we feel as though we don't have enough strength or emotional energy or wisdom or courage to face the day before us? Why do we feel empty-handed ... and panicky? Perhaps it's because we're trying to cover yesterday and tomorrow with today's provision." In the Old Testament, God provided His people with only enough manna for each day. In the New Testament, Jesus' model prayer included, "Give us this day our daily bread." The Lord continues to allow circumstances that require me to trust Him
for this day, and believe He will make a way for the next one, too. It is not an easy process, but I know it is good. He continues to keep His promises, right on time.
"But as for me, I trust in You O Lord. I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in Your hand." Psalm 31:14-15a